God send soulmate?

Q: How would you know when God sends you your life partner? How would you know that this is him, that this is the man for me? A: This may sound as if I don’t believe in the power of God, but I am not of the opinion that God always sends every person the mate...


Just wanted to let you know that beginning next week there will be a Q & A section every Thursday on www.HeartLight.org in which I answer questions about love, sex, and marriage. Because HeartLight is a Christian site, I include Scripture in my answers there....

would you like to fall in love?

Love. Some want it. Some had it. Some didn’t like the way it turned out. Some wish to find it again. If you are currently single, I wish to assist you in falling in love with the right person to marry and live with for the rest of your life. This offer is to...