weight and marriage

Soon I’ll share some fascinating things I’ve uncovered in research about marital and sexual satisfaction. It’s not quite ready to go yet — and I may ask you to participate in a survey if you wish! — but for now let me mention one clear...

question about porn

Question sent to Joe: “You answered a question for a woman on the Woody & Jim show on December 9th concerning the porn that her boyfriend was viewing on the Internet.  I listened and it is exactly what I am going through with my husband of 20 years.  Can you...

would you like to fall in love?

Love. Some want it. Some had it. Some didn’t like the way it turned out. Some wish to find it again. If you are currently single, I wish to assist you in falling in love with the right person to marry and live with for the rest of your life. This offer is to...

is that your affirmation?

Dwaine Allison has magic hands. At least that’s what his chiropractic patients claim. Doc has extremely limited vision and seems to have balanced that out with a peculiar gift of using his hands to see what most of us cannot. My son-in-law Lee Wilson says that...