Yoga, Tourettes and Yuban, Part Deux

By Guest Blogger Andrea Frazer

In my last post I mentioned how I prayed that God would show me a sign that He’s real. That He’s not just some dude with long hair in a Bible that people follow blindly.

I also mentioned that finding Jesus in every day life isn’t the same as pulling a rabbit out of a hat. It’s not some funny trick with smoke and mirrors. People who have a deep relationship say that He will make himself known. Dear Christian friends (who are very patient with me) promise me that God can handle my questions. That I can ask him to prove who He is.

So I did. I sat in the parking lot of a mall I rarely go to and asked Jesus to give my troubled heart some peace about my son’s Tourettes.

Then I sat down at a coffee shop in a random “I feel like it” moment and found myself idly chatting to a woman in a short hair cut who admitted she was a yoga instructor.

Which I found so odd, because I had my lap top with me, and I had just finished writing a line for my children’s book about the power of stretching and yoga.

This woman asked if I had kids. I told her I had two. But I didn’t mention the Tourettes, which my daughter is now showing signs of also, because that shouldn’t define my babies? Right? They both have such mild cases. I need to just get the heck over this whole thing and parent my kids, right?? Right?

But she kept asking about my two munchkins – my son in particular. So I told her finally, “He has Tourettes. His case is very mild. He sometimes blinks his eyes uncontrollably or coughs ten times in a row. It’s something a lot of people don’t know much about.”

She looked at me very non-plussed and said, “I know it well. My son has Tourettes. And I promise you, it’s going to be okay.”

Well I just about fell off the chair – and not because of the ten dollar overpriced L.A. sandwich.

Yo, Jesus. Thanks for the sign. That’s Valley talk for, “Thanks for listening. Like, keep up the good work!”

Do you ever doubt Jesus? Do you ask for signs? How are your prayers answered? Was this just blind luck or divine intervention?

Either way, I felt relieved. Though that high priced sandwich didn’t sit so well. Maybe Jesus can send someone to me at a McDonalds next time. Much better for the budget.




  1. Nabster

    I laughed and cried out loud at once and at the same timeat “my son has Tourettes, and I promise you, it is going to be okay”. God is faithful and he cares.

  2. Sheila wilhelm

    Thank you for voicing what ALL of us ask ourselves. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Andrea Frazer

    Nabster – I laugh and cry at the same time a lot. Glad to know I am not alone. Thank you for reminding me God cares. I do know that.

    Sheila – Appreciate you reading! There will be more!

  4. His Girl Amber

    I find it amazing that God, the Creator of the universe will take time to reassure us right when we need it. What a cool little testimony of the personal side of Jesus!

    Hey, and thanks for the link! I’m so sorry it took me so long to find my way over here. You are such a special girl- I just love, love love your articles over here!


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