free to ministers, pastors, and lay leaders

Often a pastor, minister, elder, deacon, or the like asks what to do to help a marriage that they just discovered is in crisis. Usually they lament their frustration to find out only when the marriage is in such trouble. Then they confess that though they did the best they could, they seriously wonder if they did the right things or if they only made the marriage worse.

Therefore, based on my years of experience in working with crisis marriages, I will come to an area and lead a two-hour workshop for ministers and lay leaders that will teach them what to do, what NOT to do, and how to move a couple toward the help they need. I’ll do this for free if it’s in driving distance of Nashville, and will do it for expenses only if I have to travel.

The first will be March 5 at First Presbyterian on the square in Athens, AL. If you’d like to attend that one, call 256-232-4906 to reserve space.

If you wish to book one in your area, call 866-903-0990, extension 0, or email I likely will do no more than one a month, so call quickly if you wish one in your area. The only criteria is that you invite all the churches in your area to attend so that I can use my time wisely in helping as many as possible.


  • How to get to the truth quickly and efficiently – especially when hearing one side.
  • How to evaluate underlying issues.
  • What you may agree to and what you MUST NOT agree to.
  • How to work with an angry spouse.
  • How to deal with a reluctant or uncaring spouse.
  • What to do when another person is involved (emotional and/or physical affairs).
  • How to proceed when an addiction is involved (porn, drugs, alcohol, etc.).
  • How to keep the right boundaries.
  • When to show compassion and when to confront.
  • When to refer and to whom to refer.
  • How to create an environment in your church so that you can learn of marital problems before they become major crises.
  • Q&A session at the end if you wish to know more about specific areas.



1 Comment

  1. Paul Byerly


    Just now seeing this – what an offer! I pray that those who most need this will take you up on it.
