by joebeam | May 28, 2013 | Life, Marriage, Relationship, Singles and Dating, Uncategorized
An excerpt from The Art of Falling in Love about commitment. Commitment is the bedrock of love. It is the decision to continue a relationship, to love someone and to maintain the love. It constitutes a measurement of how strongly we value our relationship. When one is...
by joebeam | May 23, 2013 | Communication, Desire, Life, Marriage, Relationship, Sex, Uncategorized
An excerpt from The Art of Falling in Love about passion. Passion, though sexual, is much more. It is a craving for oneness with the other. Sexual passion subsides with the length of relationship, but passion can grow throughout a lifetime. It’s the emotion you feel...
by joebeam | May 21, 2013 | Desire, Life, Marriage, Relationship
The following is an excerpt from The Art of Falling in Love that describes intimacy. Intimacy is closeness, warmth, and the feeling of being bonded together. When men hear the word, they tend to think of it as something they do. Women, on the other hand, think of it...
by joebeam | Feb 25, 2013 | Communication, How To's, Life, Marriage, Relationship, Uncategorized
QUESTION: If your spouse does not give you what you need, is it better (or more damaging) to expect your spouse to live up to your need or to lower your standard? For example – my husband and I were having an issue. As we tried to figure out why I react the way...
by joebeam | Jan 18, 2013 | Anatomy, How To's, Marriage, Orgasm, Sex
QUESTON: I am a 22-year-old who feels that she knows less about sex than other people my age. A couple months ago I got married and am learning about sex as we go along. One thing I wonder about is if there is a way that I could reach orgasm during intercourse. I have...
by joebeam | Dec 26, 2012 | Marriage, Marriage Trouble, Overcoming the Past
QUESTION: When will my past affair stop haunting me? Sometimes the memories just pop up and I feel so dirty. I sometimes find myself caught up in a memory that is like reliving it, then I snap out of it. It is truly horrible. How long does this last? Is there an end?...