when they decide to stay…

Yesterday, January 25, Alice and I attended Thompson’s Station Church early service to say happy anniversary to our friends and neighbors Tom and LeighAnn McCoy. Twenty years ago they became members 7 and 8 of that church. I don’t know their exact...


The other day I was searching for a particular product on the shelves of one of the national chain pharmacies. As I reached for it, I noticed one of those brightly colored little signs that either tell you what a great deal you are getting or try to convince you to...

focusing illusion

That phrase jumped from the page of a magazine article I read recently. It intrigued me enough to drive me to Google to find out all about it. Feel free to do that for yourself if you wish more than the light explanation I give here. In essence, a focusing illusion...

sin, repent, repeat

That’s what the sign said. Right there in a small store that made custom signs, it said, “sin, repent, repeat.” I assume it was meant to be funny. Maybe it was sarcasm. Either way, it too accurately displayed the actions of too many people. How many...


In the nineteenth year of my life, Lawrence Barclay held my future in his hands, and I was pretty sure he was about to destroy it. Brother Barclay, as we called him, is one of the most brilliant people on planet earth, having more information swirling in his brain...