700 Brave Souls Who Faced Their Grief

I once described a hero as one who can hit a ball a long way, as in a Major League baseball player. As we get older, often our heroes change. I know mine has. I now have about 700 of them. Since 2009, when we hosted our first grief retreat, some 700 brave souls have...


An excerpt from The Art of Falling in Love about passion. Passion, though sexual, is much more. It is a craving for oneness with the other. Sexual passion subsides with the length of relationship, but passion can grow throughout a lifetime. It’s the emotion you feel...


The following is an excerpt from The Art of Falling in Love that describes intimacy. Intimacy is closeness, warmth, and the feeling of being bonded together. When men hear the word, they tend to think of it as something they do. Women, on the other hand, think of it...