My husband wants me to watch porn with him – part 2
Our last blog began with this question: Joe, my husband wants me to watch porn with him but I am not comfortable with this. We are both Christians, but we have different views on this subject. He thinks that it is okay if we watch it together and says "the marriage...
My husband wants me to watch porn with him
QUESTION: Joe, my husband wants me to watch porn with him but I am not comfortable with this. We are both Christians, but we have different views on this subject. He thinks that it is okay if we watch it together and says "the marriage bed is undefiled." I feel that...
My husband is not happy with the way I dress or look
QUESTION: My husband is not happy with the way I dress or look. He wants me to be thin and dress much younger than my age. He’s always comparing me to the wives of our friends and telling me how pretty or sexy they are and that I should be more like them. I admit that...
Religious Differences in Our Relationship
QUESTION: My boyfriend and I have dated for 2 years and need to decide whether to marry or not. The one issue we have is that we have religious differences in our relationship. He is protestant; I am Catholic. Neither of us is willing to give up our faith or religious...
I make a lot more money than my husband.
QUESTION: My husband and I have been married for two years and are relatively happy. An issue is causing us trouble. I make a lot more money than my husband. This seems to come up in conversation more frequently (and with frustration on his part). I can't help that I...
How Long Will I Suffer Through These Feelings For My Lover?
QUESTION: Joe, I am in a quandary. My husband and I have both had affairs. He recently ended his. Mine, which has lasted 3 years, is more complicated. My "other" lives out of town, and we see each other once a year. Even though I rarely see him, he calls me every...
Commitment in Romantic Love
An excerpt from The Art of Falling in Love about commitment. Commitment is the bedrock of love. It is the decision to continue a relationship, to love someone and to maintain the love. It constitutes a measurement of how strongly we value our relationship. When one is...
Marriage Seminar
Don’t let your marriage die. Marriage Helper seminar has a 3 out of 4 success rate.
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