anal sex – finger okay?
Q: I read your article about anal sex and understand that you do not agree with it based upon the fact that medical experts indicated to you that it will do harm. I have two questions: 1) MSNBC reported that you said anal sex is okay; have you changed your position on...
internet affair
Q: I am a 58 year old Christian woman and have been married to the same man for over 36 years. We have grown apart over the years and can't seem to get close. My husband is 60 and has taken to writing someone over the Internet that he has never met. He says he loves...
abuse, affairs, and saving a marriage
Q: I agree with your statement that a marriage can recover from all kinds of past hurts, but I think there is a caveat. I don't think it is possible to have a solid marriage after abuse, affairs, etc., if the abuser is willing to continue the marriage but will not...
husband horrible until he wants sex
Q: If your husband has been in a horrible mood ALL day and snaps at everything you do or say...and then suddenly when the lights go out he decides it's time for "2 minutes in Heaven" (lyric from a song) ... Am I obligated to go through with it even though I am still...
God send soulmate?
Q: How would you know when God sends you your life partner? How would you know that this is him, that this is the man for me? A: This may sound as if I don't believe in the power of God, but I am not of the opinion that God always sends every person the mate s/he...
husband doesn’t listen, wife doesn’t love
Q: Please share with me how I can learn to love my husband again. The kids have grown and left home, and I feel like I am married to a stranger. I feel like he doesn't listen to me - actually, I'm certain of it by the questions he asks - I can tell he doesn't listen....
Okay to be single and think a woman is sexy?
Q: I'm single right now, and before I start a relationship with someone, it's important for me that she attracts me sexually. Is it bad to say or think after looking at a woman, "She is sexy." (as a compliment). I mean God has created woman to be sexy and attract us....
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