trucks, flies, and egos

Ever hear the old story about the fly who landed on the back of a pickup truck rattling down a dirt road? He looked back and said to himself, “My, my, look at all the dust I’M kicking up.” I understand that fly. Last week a Baptist pastor friend...

my kids are leaving

Just the other day I heard it from another parent, “My kids are growing up. They’ll be leaving for college or work before you know it. I dread losing them.” Believe me, Alice and I felt the same way each time one of our children ventured into the...

mentor couples

Sometimes a couple would do better having a mentor couple than seeing a counselor or therapist. The problem is that most people don’t have a mentor couple and don’t know how to find them. Here are some things to look for if you would like to have a mentor...

sex in later life

My friend Dr. Barry McCarthy is not only a brilliant expert in matters of sexuality, he also is really nice guy. He knows that I am a Christian and always treats my beliefs and values with great respect, though they are somewhat more restrictive than his. It’s...