response to wendy — limerence

Just received this message: First let me say that, my husband and I have so much respect for you and appreciate all of the work you do…here is where we need your wisdom and advice. Our [newly Christian friend] is currently involved in a relationship (of less...

she chose someone else

Believe me when I tell you that not all crisis marriages I encounter are in trouble because of an affair. There are many, many reasons that marriages fall into the pits. At the same time, surely you know that infidelity is rampant. Dr. Bill Harley tells me that he...

be a hero to troubled marriages

If you’ve watched NBC’s Today Show, you’ve likely seen Natalie Morales. If not, check out her picture and bio here You will see that she is beautiful. However,  Natalie is one of those people that neither TV nor...

salvaging the unsalvageable

In 1999 I first offered a weekend workshop for marriages in crisis. Someone asked if I thought we could really change a marriage in just three days. I replied confidently that we could. And, by the grace of God, we have. That’s not to say that some couples...

sex and spirituality

I was thirtyish. He was about fifteen years my senior. When he told me, I thought it was one of the hokiest things I had ever heard, but I smiled, nodded somberly, and thanked him for his wisdom. He was trying to tell me that making love to one’s wife...