Why Can’t You Hear What I Feel?

A few years ago I was in a contentious meeting with a group of church leaders., though it had not started that way. At one point, I metaphorically threw up my hands and queried, “Can you at least understand why I feel as I do about this?” One brother...

A Literary Review

A dear friend who is quite literally the most gifted writer I know suggested I read a certain novel to expand my own writing ability. I sent him the following a couple days ago… After slogging through 64 pages, hacking at extraneous vines of flowing words in...

Lately I’ve Been Runnin’ on Faith

From my friend Lindsey Osterhoff… If you are at all a fan of Classic rock, you may know the Eric Clapton song that begins…”Lately I’ve been runnin’ on faith”. Well, that seems to be the theme song of my life at various times when the uncertainty level reaches an...