inspirational speaker and best-selling author
Dr. Joe Beam
Marriage Expert.

Dr. Joe Beam is an internationally known and respected authority on love, marriage and sex.

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Books by Dr. Joe Beam on Marriage, Love, Family, Theology and other topics.

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Is it good to marry more than one wife?
The title gives the question that someone sent. I do not know if the one asking is male or female. However, my answer is short. First, if you mean having more than one wife at a time, evaluate...
Should I give my straying husband yet another chance?
Question: My husband and I aren't doing too well. A year ago, he had an affair on more than one occasion with my best girlfriend at the time. He says it never went beyond kissing so I tried so hard...
A Special Valentine’s Day Message
Remembering Valentine's Day, by Steve Brumfield Okay, guys, stay with me here. I understand and am well aware that nobody wants advice, but would like to offer up some thoughts about my favorite...