inspirational speaker and best-selling author
Dr. Joe Beam
Marriage Expert.

Dr. Joe Beam is an internationally known and respected authority on love, marriage and sex.

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Books by Dr. Joe Beam on Marriage, Love, Family, Theology and other topics.

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How a Female Can Orgasm During Intercourse Just By Penile Penetration
QUESTON: I am a 22-year-old who feels that she knows less about sex than other people my age. A couple months ago I got married and am learning about sex as we go along. One thing I wonder about is...
Affair Memories Haunting Me – How Do I Get Past The Guilt I Feel?
QUESTION: When will my past affair stop haunting me? Sometimes the memories just pop up and I feel so dirty. I sometimes find myself caught up in a memory that is like reliving it, then I snap out...
Problems from Spouse’s Alcohol Use
QUESTION: My 40-year-old wife seems to think she is going through menopause. For this reason she is just not interested in sex at all. Her memory seems to be short, too, because when I tell her that...